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Connecting to the RxCheck Hub

September 1, 2020

BJA is committed to ensuring that states have access to multiple platforms to support interstate and intrastate integration, regardless of state vendor choice. This includes providing options for prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) interstate data sharing as well as supporting PDMP integration within electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchanges (HIEs). The aim is to maximize interconnectivity of all innovative resources that exist within this space.

Currently, there are two operational hubs that facilitate interstate and intrastate data sharing, RxCheck hub and PMP InterConnect. The RxCheck hub is a fully operational data sharing system that enables states to securely and efficiently share prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) data between states or with a Health Information Exchange/Electronic Health Record (HIE/EHR) system. The RxCheck hub is governed by the RxCheck Governance Board, which is composed of states that are connected to the hub or have expressed interest in connecting to the hub. The RxCheck hub is funded by BJA.